Strågård I/S

Vibøgevej 34

DK-6470 Sydals, Denmark

Tel 7440 4399 Fax 7440 4369







Her er vi to familier, som driver Strågård I/S. Fotoet er fra julen 2006. Siden da har Lisbeth og Johan fået Lærke (marts 2008). 


This is from left Johanne (Tina and Kenneths daughter),
Kenneth Clausen (owner) and wife Tina Lydiksen,
In front from left: Karl and Kresten (Tina and Kenneths sons),
In the middle: Nicolaj Clausen (Kenneths dad),
Lisbeth Søholm with Signe (Lisbeth and Johans daughter),
Johan Clausen (owner) with Mads (Lisbeth and Johans son)
Tove (Kenneths mum) was the photographer so she is unfortunately not in this photo.





Her er gården på Vibøgevej 34, hvor soholdproduktionen foregår.
Den øvrige produktion foregår i stalde på andre ejendomme.
Medarbejderne bor i stuehuset på Vibøgevej 34.
This is the farm at Vibøgevej 34 where workers are living.





We live close to the sea which give us the chance to go bananas at summer time..




Pancakes are really nice when the are baked at the fireplace.





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